Sunday, November 27, 2016

A night in the life...

I’m supposed to be studying. I have three exams next week. Granted, one of them will take a whole 7 minutes, but it’s an exam nonetheless. But I don’t feel like studying. So I have spent my day cleaning, baking, pottering around and doing some first class (and I mean first class) facebook stalking. And now that I have fully run out of things to do, I thought I might just write a quick blog before I head out into the depths of winter (and despair) to go and catch up with some friends. As it happens, I am getting exceptionally good at doing not a lot, with today being a prime example of this.

It snowed

My delightful, and slightly concerned mother, called me the other day. I do love my mother. She asked how I was doing, as mother bears do. And I told her, well. She seems to have a 6th sense about some things though… Perhaps it is her psychiatric training, perhaps it is her maternal instinct, perhaps she heard some whispers on the wind, or maybe she was just genuinely concerned but her next question was, ‘Steph, are you drinking too much?’

It snowed

Now, there are many things in life that I can’t really do. Or really can’t do. Or whatever. And right at the top of this list is lying. I am literally the world’s worst liar. What I did manage though, was a slightly strangled noise, no real words and a kind ‘eeeehhhhh’ side to side motion with my head.  You see, she happened to ask me this question last Sunday.

It snowed

I would just like to clarify, before I go any further, however, that Mum, if you had asked me today if I was drinking too much, my answer could have unequivocally been, ‘no.’ Having not touched alcohol since this incident…

It snowed

But she didn’t ask me today. She asked me last Sunday. When I had somehow managed to get outrageously drunk. I remember there a bottle of vodka appearing in front of me about half way through the night and not a great deal after that. That is, until I heard the very final, very sobering click of the corridor door and the thought, ‘FUCK. How did I manage to get here?’ I had successfully managed to lock myself out of my corridor with no phone, no keys, no shoes and no way of getting back in (which, I feel, actually requires a bit of planning). I was most fortunate however, for I still had socks and my duvet.  After ringing the door bell of my very asleep corridor mates and getting no response, I did what every normal, while really rather impaired person would do… I went in search of a couch to sleep on. It was raining outside. But out I ventured, in true explorer mode, with my comforter and in my socks (no, I didn’t take them off).  While in full stealth mode, I managed to break in to a friend’s apartment, wake up all the residents, giving them all a rather large fright, before putting myself to sleep on the couch. And living to die another day. Although, I feel it was slightly touch and go there for a minute or two…

It snowed

I don’t tell you this story because I am proud of it (I’m actually quite mortified by my drunken-self). Nor do I tell it to you because I think you’ll find it funny (although you might). I tell you this story because no good story ever started with, this one time, I was sober and… 

And I really don't want to study...