Monday, December 16, 2013

Slightly Strange

My mother amuses me. This week, when I told her I was going to Prague, her response was:

“Prague is supposed to be a very beautiful city.”

Without doubt the world’s most generic statement about the vast majority of European cities. But then I thought ‘she probably doesn’t even know where Prague is.’ Turns out she doesn’t.

Prague Old Town Square

The Vtlava

Charles Bridge

Prague is fun, albeit a little strange. On my first night in Prague, I saw a man dressed in a roulette table poncho (was going to snap it but then thought it may have been a little inappropriate). I wasn’t so lenient about the man in a elephant costume, or the bear costume, or the guard costume or the shark costume (although, I will admit I am a bit of a pansy when it comes to taking photos of slightly un-P.C. things, so I took them from behind or a distance).





On my second day in Prague, I went to the very logical clock that goes backward. I don’t have any historical knowledge about the reason why it goes backward or any of that, so I went, saw it and said, ‘cool.’

Clock that goes backward

Then I started to run out of fun things to do, so my personal tour guide and I decided it would be appropriate to go the wax museum. I took inappropriate snaps of Adolf Hitler and me beside him smiling.


In addition to this, we also obtained entry to a Medieval Torture Museum because 'what better way to spend my one day in Prague?’ My father validated my experience of this rather strange museum, telling me that this was one thing that I could not have done in New Zealand. This made me feel much better about my excursion to the Torture Museum.

Museum Torture (Priorities = sorted)

Different torture methods #1

Different torture methods #2

Different torture methods #3

My pleasant Saturday

Oh and there are funny yellow penguins in Prague, because the Czech Republic is near the coast (if you don't know where it is - that is sarcasm; it doesn't have a sea coast and I have no idea why there are penguins there). 

Penguins, all in a row

 Also, I think that I need to buy a thesaurus. My enthusiastic response to everything that I see is, ‘cool,’ followed by a nod of the head. If I get really excited about something, my response might become, ‘oh, awesome!’ This week, I was called out on this. Expressing my enthusiasm has never been my forte, but now that people are starting to notice, I think now might be time to do something about this. It can be my homework for next week (but I’m on holiday so I won’t do it, but I will get more and more self-conscious about it until I finally decide that I am afflicted badly enough to actually do something about it).

Until next week, catch you later, Alligators! 

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