Monday, April 7, 2014

The Grass is (Getting) Greener...

I have come to the conclusion that the grass is getting greener. For some people, it is greener over the fence, or in the house (depending on your intoxication levels).

The flora is getting greener

Having dinner parties is common place. However, due to the lack of functional windows in Iceland there are limited air circulation options, which usually results in the opening of doors; commonly the front door.

The (not so hot this week) hot river

It is true that Iceland is one of the safest countries in the world (during my research, I found that NZ was the safest, which I thought was more than slightly ironic, given the stabbing of the hitchhikers last week). But, whatever, with Iceland ranking 4th, we concluded we were safe. Not a problem. So we (whatever - I) left the front door open and got back to eating dinner. 

Some steam

For one guy though, with the door open, the lights on, an slight increase in temperature and being rather under the influence, concluded that our house looked much more inviting than the cold, dark street. So he showed himself in, took himself up the stairs, and put himself to sleep on the landing of the second storey of our flat.

A luke warm pool

All this occurred unbeknownst to us, happy in our ignorance, feeding our tummies in the kitchen. 

It would be fair to say that this guy would not have passed a breath test. When his presence was discovered, my kindly turnip-shaped (Swedish) flatmates helped him down the stairs and then turned him lose as soon as his feet touched the pavement.

We left him to find his own way home

Or was it this way he needed to go? 

We looked at each other. Took stock of the rather odd situation. And went back to eating dinner.

As much as he was not invited, if anybody is looking for a drunk Icelandic man to invite himself into your house and put himself to sleep, I would recommend this one.

He had the following great qualities:
- Quiet
- Entertaining
- Co-operative
- Didn’t need to be walked home (open to debate)

The grass is always greener

However, some improvements for him to work on for next time:
- General cleanliness
- Announcing his arrival before putting himself to sleep

Some art (because I'm into that now) at Harpa

For this guy at least, the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. ‘Props to him though for having the initiative to cross the fence and go to that place where the grass was greener. He was a trooper.

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